` i feel so restless[!] I just feel like qivinq up in everythinq[!] I just sooo hate my lyff[!] Why only must i suffer like tt[!] Why must i see all this nonsense[!] A sister betrayinq me[!] What th hell did i do tuh her[!] My fault fr her as my sister[!] This is what i qet for treatinq her as my sister[!] I am nt qq tuhh trust anybody anymore in my lyff[!] I haff had enuqh in my lyff[!] I just don think tt i deserve all this in my lyff[!] I haff been too qood tuh people[!] And all i qet in return is this shit[!] So im qq tuhh chanqe[!] qq tuh be selfish[!] I am qq tuhh show th bytch and bastard tt i also cn live a lyff[!] No one can rule my lyf[!] Im livinq my lyff lyk a leqend[!] And i will live lykk a leqend[!]
Everyone has a name and mine would be Dhivyah. To make your life easier, people call me Dhivyah... January 24th 1996 was the day I got introduced to the world... Currently waiting for my Secondary School Lifee to over. Do not mind making friends if I am in a happy mood. I love my Venkatesh Balakrishnan, Sandy Sandhya, Miszy Shamubaby, Pooja, Bbygurl Vinodhini,Pinky Boii Dave,Thaha WantoLove You and Sajeev Flammable. People around me makes life easier and excting. Spread the love as much as you can and live life to the fullest. ♥♥♥
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