Friday, May 20, 2011

` My fcuked up lyff[!]

` i feel so restless[!] I just feel like qivinq up in everythinq[!] I just sooo hate my lyff[!] Why only must i suffer like tt[!] Why must i see all this nonsense[!] A sister betrayinq me[!] What th hell did i do tuh her[!] My fault fr her as my sister[!] This is what i qet for treatinq her as my sister[!] I am nt qq tuhh trust anybody anymore in my lyff[!] I haff had enuqh in my lyff[!] I just don think tt i deserve all this in my lyff[!] I haff been too qood tuh people[!] And all i qet in return is this shit[!] So im qq tuhh chanqe[!] qq tuh be selfish[!] I am qq tuhh show th bytch and bastard tt i also cn live a lyff[!] No one can rule my lyf[!] Im livinq my lyff lyk a leqend[!] And i will live lykk a leqend[!]