` she loved quy and he loved her too ! But he was a divorcee ! And he had a kid too ! Th qal knew this and this was th main reason fr her tuhh fall in love wif hym ! She wanted tuh be wif hym fr th rest of her lyff and he also promised her tt he would be her lyff partner ! She had so much of hopes and dreams abt her future and was just waitinq fr everythinq ! And she was crazy over hym ! And they were very lovinq ! She was so kind-hearted tuhh even take care of hyss kid as her own ! And then there was anther lyff qrowinq in her ! Even after knowinq tiz ! He still promised her tt he will be wif her til th end ! She knew very well tt wad she was doinq was allwronq ! But she was still darinq enuqh tuh face th consequences ! And then , as days went by ! Th little lyff in her was also qrowinq ! As it was happeninq ! Day by day , her hopes and dreams increased and it was mainly towards th child ! She was ready tuh face anythinq tt comes her way ! Unfortunately, th quy started havinq some probs ! And he tot tt if th nther child qq tuh come tuhh this world he will have even more prob ! So , all he could tell th qal was ! ABORTION ! Th cruel thinq ! And wen th qal heard this ! Her heart shattered into pieces ! She refused and she said tt she would brinq up th child as a sinqle parent ! But th quy refused ! And he brain washed her ! And towards her th quy was everythinq fr her ! She didnt want hym and hys kid tuhh suffer ! And she did listen tuh hym ! But all was a lie ! Once she did th cruel thinq ! He just left her alone ! All she could do was sit down and cry and reqret ! Bt it was too late ! And she tried tuhh frqet everythinq ! Bt she couldnt ! And finally she moved on wif her lyff ! But th memories are still within her and hauntinq her !
Hope this will nt happen tuhh any qals and all i cn say is ! Its very easy tuh have unconditional love on someone ! But wn they hurt eu is very hard tuhh take th pain ! And such quys shud never exist in tiz world !
Hope this will nt happen tuhh any qals and all i cn say is ! Its very easy tuh have unconditional love on someone ! But wn they hurt eu is very hard tuhh take th pain ! And such quys shud never exist in tiz world !
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