Tuesday, April 19, 2011

♥ Baby you gotta study ♥

  I understand that I have made many mistakes in life.
Would sound better if I phrased it as 

Many mistakes in the path towards my education.
Took the wrong part basically =.=

Mistakes are made for us to learn from them.
 Not to be stuck in the mistake.
But why am I stuck and am not being given a second chance.

Or was I given and I let it slip away?
No matter what I should still not give up.
Commitments ( I am afraid of )
But right now I have to persevere and commit.
I have to make sure that I can commit to what I am going to do.
I am all prepared for thfuture.
Hopefullmy plan goes with the flow.
Though many of my decisions turned out to be the total opposite of my expectations,
I still believe in my choices
& this time round I am making sure that the end result is what I want it to be.

Baby you have got to start working hard
make sure you do your parents proud. 

For all the things they have scarified

& for all the things they have done for you,

You have got to show you appreciate them.

& the only way to make them happy would be 
to do them proud.

Doing them proud not only satisfy them but gives you a brighter future.
At the end of the day, you have to live with it.
 And for that make sure it is something worth you are living with.  
