Friday, April 8, 2011

Just dhe way y0u are( Baby i'm y0ur ringt0ne )

I sh0wered y0u with s0 much 0f l0ve da never expecting it w0uld end . S0 much 0f desires and dreams i had t0 spend myie entire life with y0u but it all jus crashed with 1 kiss !! Y0u always cried and feel angry wen i sp0ke abt 0ther guys , tat jus made me feel s0 happy tinking y0u g0t a little feeling f0r me . Y0ur m0rning huggs jus makes me feel s0 pampared , sleepless nights , waking up at unusual times t0 meet y0u , hmmm myie fb status till ipad passw0rd t0 everyting g0t me reminded 0f y0u . But y0u s0 easily can tell me t0 end it uh ? Great !! I n0t g0nna b like s0me ppl t0rture y0u all da n0 w0rries , n0t typical t0 hurt myself physically all d0nt w0rry . Jus takekares aiitex , crush all dhe w0rds we sp0ke and thr0w it in dhe bin . I'll make it w0rk again ! )):
[DH]ivyah<3 [T]winkles<3