It is just so awkward.
Every relationship no matter what, has to come to an end.
Even the relationship you share with you family members.
If the bond with your family itself can be broken, than what is friendship afterall?
Friendship is a bond shared by people from different worlds.
The different worlds can fall apart easily.
They might have been friends for a very long time.
Sometimes it does not matter how long you have known a person.
It is about who stood beside you when you really needed them.
In my case, I can clearly see that even though I might have been close to you for so many years,
you sure were not there when I needed you.
You have new friends and a new exciting life where you keep meeting new people.
Sometimes you tend to forget your old friends when you get new one.
True friends are those who do not forget.
I learnt that all this while my heart has been telling me the wrong thing.
I was so wrong about you.
The fact that I thought you were a true friend was a fact was a myth.
I feel very down but do not worry my dear "friend".
I will get over you soon.
Since I have known the truth now, it won't be that hard now.
You do not think that I am still holding on to you , do you?
Just get a life or at least know how to hold on to at least the life you are having now.
Just learn something.
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