Wednesday, March 9, 2011

♥ What about it ♥

To guys I used to have feelings for :

I might have had feelings for you once...
But just accept the fact that it was once upon a time and let it go...
Now I am just being friendly and trying to be close to you as a friend...
So stop imagining unrealistic things...
To people who make up stories :

It is very funny cause I did not know that I love that person...
Until you came up and told me...
I myself did not know that I am not a virgin until you told me...
Don't you have any other better work to do?
Making up stories just drive me to one conclusion...
That is you have nothing else to do and you know me way better than I do...
To people who think they are famous :

 Just get one fact right...
Being famous does not mean everyone likes you...
Did you just know that your life is more dangerous...
You do not know who are your true friends and who is after you for popularity...
Despite the fact that you have true friends, you lose them out of being paranoid...
So don't be too happy that you are famous and alot of people know you....
Cause you are the one at the losing end...
To people who love talking behind :

Talking at the back does not make you any happier..
It is no wrong if you are just having an opinion about a person...
But it becomes wrong when you are actually befriending the person...
You actually say stuff that is not true and spill out their secrets...
When you actually create your own stories and make the person look bad though they are not...
Making them look like something they are not...
To be truthful, no one has the rights to do so...
If you make up negative things about the president and the word actually spreads...
You can end up in a very bad situation...
Just because the people you talk about has no such powers does not mean you won't be hurt..
There is a thing called the karma... I know not every one is perfect...
But even after knowing that it is wrong, there are people who do it just to have some fun..
Some even do it for some sort of satisfactory feeling...
If you know what you did was wrong and turn over a new leaf, nothing big would harm you...
But for those people who knows it and yet does not repent are the one who will get it back and bigger than what they did...!!!