Wednesday, March 9, 2011

♥ Missing You ♥

You might be far away in distance but you are always close to my heart...

You are one person I could never hate no matter what...
No matter how much you scold me, I will never have the heart to scold you back...
Some people are just different...
I might not be as close to you as I was earlier...
But everyday in my heart you get closer until now there is no more to get closer to...

Suriya is missed so badly...
Not the trip alone is making me miss you but since a ling time, I have been missing alot of things...

Destiny changes how two people are bonded together...
It made you and me...
2 complete strangers to meet and get close...
The same destiny made us apart but it can never seperate us...
Or maybe it was just destined to be such...

I love you alot and you are one soul who can never be replaced no matter what...

Your phone call and message from malaysia meant alot to me...
I do not know who you sent the messages to...
But the fact that I was included just makes me so happy...
There comes the big smile on my face...