Monday, March 21, 2011

♥ Current Addiction I'd Say ♥

Current addiction, many I would say.
Love is a better word to describe what I have on the following.
So here goes the list.

I am in love with Music.
Have always had a passion for music.
But I am guessing that passion has grown bigger.
To list down the current songs that I am addicted to 
Is going to take ages.

I am addicted to or as I mentioned earlier, in love with Heels. 
I know I am not a heels person.
I used to not wear heels at all.
But I have always liked heels compared to normal foot-wear.
Since the day I bought my Charles&Keith heels
Gosh I have been looking out for heels.

I am superb in Love with Perfumes.
I just want to get inside any perfume shop and start trying every single one.
Poison is so far one of the best and strongest perfume I have owned.
Best of what I have owned
But I want the best that can be found.
I want something that you will never get bored of.
& I am guessing until I find the perfume
My addiction for perfume is not going to rest.

 I am in love with Nail Polish.
I am seriously falling in love with all the colors.
Even though I know that they are not going to look nice on me,
I just want to own it.
I want to have that color.
I want to have this color.
I want to have all colors.
All the different shades in all the colors.
But I guess I will have to slowly start collecting it.

Did I mention that I am in love with LOVE ?
Love is the most beautiful thing on Earth.
Love is one reason why we humans are still alive.
The love that one have on another makes them care for each other.
In that way they do not want to harm each other.
But why can't people learn how to love 
everyone and everything around them.

Well and lastly I am in Love with this girl called DHIVYAH.
In love with myself.
No one can ever be me.
The uniqueness of me.
No words can describe me
&& no one can ever love me like how I love myself.
And if I am ever going to find someone who can love me more than myself,
That is the day I would promise
I will do anything for that person.
Anything I mean anything.
& when I say that the person loves me more than I love myself,
I mean that the person will never tell me to do anything that I don't like.
So I am sure to do anything for the person...