In Life ...
As we qrow up, we learn tht even the 0ne pers0n tht wasnt supp0sed to eva let us down, probably will. You'll have y0ur heart br0ken & you'll break 0thers hearts. You'll fiqht wid your bestfriend or maybe even fall in love, & you'll cry bec0s time is flyinq by.. So take l0ts 0f pics, lauqh0udL0ud, forqive freely, & l0ve like y0u've neva been hurt. Life c0mes wid no quarantees, n0 time 0uds, n0 2nd chances. You jus have t0 live life t0 the fullest, tell some1 wad they mean to y0u & tell some1 0ff, speak oud, dance in the pourinq rain, h0ld s0meone's hand, c0mfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun c0me up, stay up late & smile until your face hurts. (= D0nt be afraid t0 take chances 0r fall in l0ve & m0st 0f all, live in the m0ment bec0s every sec0nd y0u spend anqry 0r upset is a sec0nd 0f happiness y0u can neva qet back...
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